Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Banyuwangi's Drama

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in east java. Sindureja was the king of the kingdom. One day, the king asked his prime minister to search a bud of magic flower. It is so important for the kingdom.

Sindureja      : “My prime minister, Sidapaksa. Can you help me, please?”
Sidapaksa     : “Sure, my master. What can I do for you?”
Sindureja      : “I want you to search a bud of magic flower on mount Ijen. But you must be careful. Because it was a long and dangerous journey. Can you search it for me?”
Sidapaksa     : “Of course. I try to search it for you. Before I go to mount Ijen, please permit me to say good bye to my mother and my wife who is being pregnant.”
Sindureja      : “Ok. Please.”

            Sidapaksa went to his mother and his wife to ask permit.

Sidapaksa     : “Oh my dear. I get instruction from the king. He wants me to search a bud of magic flower on mount Ijen. Please, permit me to go and I will go back quickly. If I will go home soon. I want to see my child”
Sidapaksa’s wife : “Ok my husband. You may go, it is an instruction from the king. Since you leave me, I will keep our child. And don’t forget. You must back quickly. I always love you.”
Sidapaksa     : “Certainly. And my mother. I must go now to finish my duty fast.”
Sidapaksa’s mother : “Sure, my child. Be careful on your journey.”

            Sidapaksa’s mother doesn’t like her daughter-in-law. She wants to separate sidapaksa from his wife. So since sidapaksa leave his wife, sidapaksa’s mother search the way to do her plan.
Not long after sidapaksa’s go. Sidapaksa’s wife reveal her first baby. Her baby is boy and he make his mother happy.

Sidapaksa’s wife : “Oh my god thanks for your livelihood. You have given me a handsome son and healty and also he doesn’t have a shortage. I hope he can grow up to be a kind son. Thank you very much my god.”

Sidapaksa’s mother hear it and she begins to think her plan. One day, sidapaksa’s wife wants to take a bath. She entrusts his son to his grandmother. When sidapaksa’s wife take a bath, sidapaksa’s mother said.

Sidapaksa’s mother : “This golden opportunity for me to separate from his wife Sidapaksa. I'll throw this child into the river and no one who knows. so, Sidapaksa would have thought that his wife has abandoned her child and can’t be a good wife.”

            Sidapaksa’s wife had finished bathing. She looks for Sidapaksa’s mother to take her son. Sidapaksa’s mother says if his son would have been lost and died. And she doesn’t know where is sidapaksa’s son. Sidapaksa’s wife look confused and looking for his son.

Sidapaksa’s wife : “My child. My child. Where are you?”
Someone      : “What happened?”
Sidapaksa’s wife : “My baby disappears. Help me to search him, please”

            After searching at there and in here. Nobody find sidapaksa’s son.

Someone      : “I am sorry. I can’t find your baby. May be your baby has been away.”
Sidapaksa’s wife : “Oh no. it doesn’t happen. I can’t believe it.”

            Since sidapaksa’s wife loses her baby. She doesn’t eat and sleep. So, that all make sidapaksa’s wife ill.

Someone      : “you must take a rest. You look tired and ill. Sidapaksa will be angry if he knows his wife was ill because he loves you very much.”
            Two years passed. Sidapaksa returned from his journey. He got a bud of magic flower.

Sidapaksa     : “My master. I can find a bud of magic flower. This is.”
Sindureja      : “Thank you. Sidapaksa you have done your duty so, you may go home now.”

            When sidapaksa entered the home. His mother told him if his wife has thrown his baby. It is a kind of sidapaksa’s mother’s plan.

Sidapaksa’s mother : “Sidapaksa.. You must know your wife has thrown your baby!”
Sidapaksa     : “WHAT ??”

            Sidapaksa came to his wife.

Sidapaksa     : “A damn women ! why you threw our baby before I see him? Tell me why you threw our baby?”
Sidapaksa’s wife : “I don’t understand what your meaning. Swear my husband I didn’t throw our baby. There isn’t a mother don’t like her baby. I very love you and my baby. So, I don’t throw our baby.”
Sidapaksa     : “You are false. I don’t believe you !”
Sidapaksa’s wife : “Please, believe me. If you don’t believe me, take me into the river. I will prove to you if I am not false.”

            Sidapaksa took his wife to the river. When they were in the edge of the river. His wife threw herself into the river. Sidapaksa looked confusion,

Sidapaksa     : “Then, how can I know who threw my son?”

            Suddenly, come two pure white flower from the water. One bigger and taller than the other and come a fragrance too. Not long afterwards sidapaksa heard something.
Sidapaksa’s wife : “Sidapaksa, hear me. I am your wife and beside me is your son. He will tell you what the happen when you left us and who threw him into the river.
Sidapaksa’s child : “My father. My mother isn’t wrong. She didn’t throw me but who threw me is my grandmother. She wanted to separate you with my mother. Now I am happy because my mother come with me.”
Sidapaksa     : “My wife, My son, I am sorry. I don’t believe my wife. I ask you to give forgiveness for me, please!”

            Time by time the sound begin to leave sidapaksa alone.

Sidapaksa     : “My wife and my son. Please come back. I want to live together with you. Don’t leave me alone in here !”

            Sidapaksa regret because he doesn’t believe his wife. If he believes his wife, may be he just lose his child. But he doesn’t believe his wife so he lose his wife and his child. He very very regret.
            After that there are fragrance from the water. Since that some people call the river is banyuwangi. Banyu means water and wangi means fragrance.
            so we should not accuse someone without any clear evidence.